Faith Formation: Adults

3 Ds Women’s Group
Topic: Rotating Discussions
Coordinator: Donna Peffer
When: Monthly on 3rd Wednesday @ 1 pm
Participants will enjoy spiritual enlightenment, mutual encouragement and prayer through this monthly gathering also known for it’s devotions, discussions and desitinations. Facilitation of discussions are rotated monthly with shared leadership.

Adult Sunday School Class
Topic: Parables of Jesus
Facilitator: Jim Block
When: Weekly on Sunday @ 9:45 am
Participants in this class will take a deeper look at the Book of Acts using multiple resource aids to assist in interpretation and life application.
Adult Sunday School Class
Topic: Book of Acts
Facilitator: Bill Parasida
When: Weekly on Sunday @ 9:45 am
This study examines the beginnings of the church and will find meaningful connections between the early church and the church today. It will reveal how the Holy Spirit was clearly at work in Acts, pouring out on people from many nations on the day of Pentecost — giving Jesus’ disciples the power to speak boldly, gathering early believers together for worship, and sending out Peter and Paul as missionaries.